Join the Zoom
Live sale community

Want to try something new in Crystal Shopping?

We are hosting Zoom Crystal Live Sales!

Zoom is a free platform with less distractions, open for both Facebook and Instagram users to join in on the fun.

Live Crystal Sales are a thing now. It's a fun way to see a 360 view of each crystal while hanging with a community of crystal lovers! We welcome those who are still learning about crystals, we love teaching you new things!

If you have ever joined an Instagram Live Sale, it has it's limitations. Zoom Live Sales means no bots blocking comments! If you've ever tried claiming and your comment doesn't go through, you know how frustrating it is. This is a way for you to claim your crystal with ease.

Come join the fun and enjoy crystal shopping in the comfort of your own home!

Hi, my name is Jeni Hughes and I'm the owner and CEO of Essentially Chi and I'm excited to connect with you in our virtual community!

If you love crystals as much as I do you don't want to miss out on this opportunity to see and learn about crystal shopping in a whole new interactive way!

Jeni Hughes

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